Friday, 6 September 2013

Curcumin in it's most potent form

Curcumin is well known as a Top Cancer Fighter & for it's anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin has the astounding ability to differentiate cancer cells from normal cells & while promoting health in non-cancerous cells, it brings about apoptosis (death of a cell) in cancerous ones.
Curcumin is a preventative as well as assisting in the repair of free radical damage to cells, one major role in the developement & spread of cancer within the body.
As it also provides support for the liver, curcumin is an excellent product to assist detox. & boost liver function.
If you do not like the taste of tumeric, or do not include this as part of your cancer diet then see the link below for further info. on the most powerful supplement form of curcumin available... ♥