Friday, 13 December 2013

Natural Cancer Cure: A Million Times Stronger Than Chemo and No Side Effects

Natural Cancer Cure: A Million Times Stronger
Than Chemo and No Side Effects
Despite the lack of mainstream media coverage for alternative therapies, there are many botanically based cures shown to be effective against serious and life threatening illnesses, including cancer.

Practically every week, new alternative health breakthroughs are discovered. Most of these breakthroughs, such as the North American fruit tree, are scientifically proven to heal a wide variety of diseases…eliminate pain…slow down or reverse the aging process…and enhance health and longevity.  It’s even proven in a National Cancer Institute-funded experiment to be a million times more powerful than chemotherapy, with no harmful side effects.  Why have these proven cures been deliberately kept secret from you?

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Sunday, 10 November 2013

Natural Cancer Cure: A Million Times Stronger Than Chemo and No Side Effects

Natural Cancer Cure: A Million Times Stronger
Than Chemo and No Side Effects
Despite the lack of mainstream media coverage for alternative therapies, there are many botanically based cures shown to be effective against serious and life threatening illnesses, including cancer.

Practically every week, new alternative health breakthroughs are discovered. Most of these breakthroughs, such as the North American fruit tree, are scientifically proven to heal a wide variety of diseases…eliminate pain…slow down or reverse the aging process…and enhance health and longevity.  It’s even proven in a National Cancer Institute-funded experiment to be a million times more powerful than chemotherapy, with no harmful side effects.  Why have these proven cures been deliberately kept secret from you?

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Immune Force - No.1 Supplement for All Cancer Types

Optimal Immune 2 is now the most powerful stand-alone supplement for cancer & has replaced Immune Force, the previous number #1 cancer fighter.

Optimal Immune 2 has roughly the same immune & hormone system support as Immune Force, however Optimal Immune 2 supplies far increased support for brain & liver function as well as having a great anti-inflammatory effect.
Below is a description of Immune Force, now improved & renamed Optimal Immune 2

This is now the No. 1 supplement for any type of cancer.
Optimal Immune 2
Designed specifically to renew & increase the natural power of the body through nourishment of the immune system. The ingredients are comprised of an exactingly proven balance of clinically studied powerful
mushrooms, oils & carefully selected chinese herbs. These form a potent concoction which acts within the body to create balance, core vitality & health. The liver is enabled to cleanse the blood & cells as well as instigate new cell growth by flooding the body with necessary nutrients. The liver to brain connection is enhanced providing supercharged immune system functioning.

(Take 2-3 bottles per month.)


Tuesday, 29 October 2013

New Website!!

New website currently under construction, we hope to bring the very best info. to those most in need of natural cancer cures.
Any links, input & support is most welcomed.
If you, like me have been there then it is our duty to spread the truth on cancer!!!

Thankyou & Love & Light X

Friday, 18 October 2013

The Budwig Diet

This should be an integral part of every cancer patient's regime & it has been used to cure many cancer patients, even many with just weeks left, thanks to the work of Dr. Joanna Budwig, who dedicated her life to healing people with cancer through her discovery of the amazing benefits of organic cottage cheese & flax seed oil against this disease. She actually proved this recipe to be effective against many, many other diseases as well & her life's work is still... read on

Friday, 11 October 2013

The New Cancer Drugs; Herceptin, Iressa & Olaparib - Set to Revolutionise Cancer Treatment?

Anyone who has heard much about these new cancer drugs will most likely be eagerly awaiting their arrival on the market, especially those who are currently battling cancer themselves or looking out for a loved one. But do these new cancer drugs truly give good ground for the hope inspired in so many people?

Friday, 6 September 2013

Curcumin in it's most potent form

Curcumin is well known as a Top Cancer Fighter & for it's anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin has the astounding ability to differentiate cancer cells from normal cells & while promoting health in non-cancerous cells, it brings about apoptosis (death of a cell) in cancerous ones.
Curcumin is a preventative as well as assisting in the repair of free radical damage to cells, one major role in the developement & spread of cancer within the body.
As it also provides support for the liver, curcumin is an excellent product to assist detox. & boost liver function.
If you do not like the taste of tumeric, or do not include this as part of your cancer diet then see the link below for further info. on the most powerful supplement form of curcumin available... ♥

Monday, 18 February 2013

Top Supplement Recommendation; Cover 3 angles of attack with The Dynamic Trio

Dynamic Trio In my experience probably the best product out there as far as its ability to deliver oxygen into the cells, right where it is needed is OxyDHQ & taking it along with Liquid Zeolite Enhanced with DHQ & PH Balancer 8 increases your potential for success considerably. These three products are also known as the Dynamic Trio.
Zeolite, due to its chelating properties is excellent for heavy metal detoxification. The Liquid Zeolite which comes as part of the Dynamic Trio is also enhanced with DHQ & so as well as having its superb detoxification properties, is also a very effective cancer killer.

Another condition necessary for cancer to thrive is highly acidity levels. PH balancer 8.0 neutralises the bodies pH levels making it ever more difficult for cancer to survive, making this an important angle to cover in any cancer fighting regime.

These products can result in a cancer patient feeling an improvement very quickly & at the very least they will be slowing the rate at which the cancer is spreading. If the size of the tumour is still increasing, though, then the dosage needs to be increased & perhaps used in conjunction with some other cancer fighting supplements & a Cancer Diet!

Dosage requirements (1 months suply) 
- Early stage cancer 3,3,3 
- Advanced cancer 6,4,4 
- Very advanced 6,4,4

Further info. on the Dynamic Trio

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Mesothelioma - A More Positive Outlook

What being diagnosed with Mesothelioma actually means:

I would just like to make a point here before going any further; I am certain that all oncologists & medical professionals act in what they truly believe to be the best interest of their patients. They are there to help you & will have trained for many years to be where they are now because they want to help people & to save lives. It is not their fault, however, that the theory of cancer & cancer treatment on which they are trained through university or medical school has been proven to be flawed in many ways. The reason for this, most likely comes down to profit. Big drug companies are involved in many areas of government funding, I don't know to what extent but I do know that the money they make from getting people on chemotherapy is phenomenal. There is bound to be a link here as it is obvious for anyone to see that if people start treating themselves through herbs etc. or seeking alternative practitioners there are going to be no expensive drugs to patent & millions upon millions of pounds lost to those behind these drug companies & those receiving their funding, whoever exactly this may be!?

So what being diagnosed with mesothelioma actually means is that there is going to need to be some very profound lifestyle changes, this is likely to mean a complete turn around in attitude & opening of the mind to new possibilities of healing in terms of alternative treatments & therapy's. It is also time to see the bigger picture. There is always a reason for us becoming ill, it means a new path is necessary for us to take in order to remain here in this life & if we choose to recognise this & take this path, we will come out the other side with a new & much greater understanding which we would never otherwise have achieved. We would at this point have a new perception of illness & be able to see it as a 'stepping stone' to enhanced awareness & even happiness that perhaps before was lacking in our lives. For some reason you could not go on as before, maybe you can think why this may be, or maybe discovering the reason for this is still a necessary part of your healing process, but one thing is for sure; if you do choose to take this path to healing & recovery there are many other areas in your life which need to be addressed, it was never intended to be easy but definitely worthwhile!

Cancer is a serious illness, mesothelioma as you will know is more serious still & therefore it was never meant to be 'easy' to beat, but that doesn't mean that it can't be done. Read on...

Monday, 21 January 2013

This Cancer Cure Video Circled the Globe in 31 Minutes

Every 60 seconds someone dies from cancer -- and every 3 minutes, someone new is diagnosed with cancer.  That someone could even be you. 

If you know anyone who's suffering from cancer, you *must* watch this
5-minute video.  This is the video that the pharmaceutical industry doesn't want you to watch. 

When this video was first put online, it was viewed by 129,000 people within 31 minutes.  Send the link to everyone who has cancer.  You might even end up saving someone's life.  Watch the video now.
Follow me on Facebook for regular tips & updates on beating cancer naturally.

Purple Fruit & Veg.

Purple fruit & veg. are excellent against cancer, defending the body from the effects of stress & promoting healing.
In addition to those below, three of the top cancer fighting purple foods are acai berries, goji berries & beetroot!
Blueberries are also very good due to the large amount of antioxidants they contain, which prevent damage to our cells from free radicals.

Follow me on Facebook for regular tips & updates on beating cancer naturally.

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Recommended Reading: Cancer-Free -- Your Guide To Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing (Fourth Edition)

The Bill Henderson protocol is becoming increasingly familliar among those looking into alternative methods to treat cancer. In his book he shares the necessary knowledge & more, needed to successfully beat cancer through his methods, which have been proven by thousands to WORK!

Bill discusses how he works with people to discover the individual cause of 'their' cancer & how he has helped so many from all corners of the world, usually with just limited time left according to their oncologist, to regain full health & to remain cancer-free thereafter. Bill even offers coaching & assistance to those who have read his book. 

The techniques involved are all non-toxic & completely without side-effects. Bill claims that the majority of people who followed his protocol have repoted a having their cancer in remission in just 6-8 weeks! Many of these people were classified by doctors as being 'terminal.'

Bills book, 'Cancer-Free -- Your Guide To Gentle, Non-Toxic Healing (Fourth Edition)' was last updated in Nvember 2011 to include 155 of his newsletters as well as further input from, Dr. Carlos M. Garcia, M.D.& his unique experience as a holistic physician in healing many cancer patients.

To find out more about Bill Henderson, his book & his work visit his website on Beating Cancer Gently.

Follow me on FaceBook for regular tips & updates on natural methods to beat cancer successfully.

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Frequency Enhanced Medicine - An Exciting New Frontier In Cancer Healing Supplements

How Energetic Frequencies Within The Body Determine The State Of Our Health
The human body, when viewed from the quantum science perspective, is an extremely complex network made up of cells, organs & many smaller systems within. We are ultimately energy, each & every cell with it's own little 'system' & atom vibrating at a certain frequency, which in turn effects the next cell & the overall picture, being the health of our entire body. In actual fact Quantum Theory recognises the interconnectedness of everything in the entire Universe. Due to the vastness & complexity of this subject I will aim to keep this a much simplified explanation of how energetic frequencies may be manipulated in order to promote health & fight cancer.
An increasing number of scientists today are recognising the fact that disease is caused by some form of stress, some scientists believe that 95% of all disease is in fact stress related. Other enlightened individuals who are experienced in working with energy, as well as many practitioners in various alternative fields of medicine, state that all illness & disease is the direct result of underlying emotional issues or trauma which may have been experienced in childhood. In other words, what we are looking at is some form of negative emotion which has a recurring & spiralling effect within the body. One may easily dismiss this theory if they can not immediately recall any significant, traumatic event from their lifetime, yet the interesting thing here is that this memory may not be present in the conscious or even subconscious mind. Rather the focus here is on cellular memory & more specifically the destructive patterns which may be set into motion at cellular level as a result of some kind of traumatic or stressful experience.
Going back to the consideration that our entire form, as indeed all matter, is ultimately comprised of energy & that our every thought is in fact energy, it makes sense that when we experience such an intense force of negative energy, whether in the form of trauma, despair, or a prolonged period of intense stress, that this energy may resonate within the cells of our body for a long time following. Remember, every vibration, every thought has some kind of effect on the system as a whole & so people who do not carefully monitor the thoughts they have may be unknowingly crystallising negative vibratory patterns within the cells of their body in response to these thoughts & their repetitiveness, which can in itself cause enough harm for illness to take hold, on top of any possible trauma from earlier years this would be a likely example of how cancer may become present.
Now, if every cell in our body is affected in some way by our every thought then this makes it possible to influence our health in a positive way by breaking negative thought patterns & actually conditioning our mind into positive patterns of thinking. This process, although very achievable, takes much discipline & dedication & in the instance where someone has been recently diagnosed with cancer it is most likely to prove too challenging for them to even begin to think about. There is now, however, a range of products available, developed by a team of expert Quantum Physicists which are pre-programmed with the energetic, vibrational frequencies necessary for overcoming cancer by possibly the most effective method discovered to date.

How Frequency Enhanced Medicine Works To Fight Cancer
All bodily functioning is ultimately down to energetic frequencies which power all chemical sequences within the body. By programming the required frequencies into a medicine/ supplement which can be ingested, the body is 'told' what to do to beat cancer & automatically responds, just as it does to our thoughts etc. as mentioned above, yet the effects are fast & profound. We are basically manipulating the energetic frequencies in the body in order to promote health & healing, as well as cancer fighting capability at cellular level & beyond.
The products mentioned below contain vibrational frequencies stored within h20 molecules in water & are formulated by a process of cold quantum cavitation. Specific frequencies can actually be programmed in to the h20 molecules, instructing the cells of the body to act or behave in certain ways which will interfere with negative vibratory patterns present in times of ill health & promote healing & various methods to combating cancer cells effectively. Each product is unique in terms of the message it delivers to the body, however all have proven to significantly increase the chances we have of successfully eliminating cancer & seeing our health renewed.

Recommended Supplements For Healing Cancer
The following supplements are like nothing else on the market & I have direct experience in the usage of a variety of products from their supplier, they have never failed to amaze in their effectiveness. Produced by a patent pending process, they are unique & do the job!
I have listed them below in order of their energetic testing score, highest first. Quzu & Creation Elixir, however are not as potent as a stand-alone product, but are listed under Vortexia as this is the most effective combination of products when taken together.
The numbers in brackets indicate how many bottles should equal one month's supply, depending on the stage of cancer being treated, in the following order: (early stage / advanced / very advanced)
  • Vortexia (3 / 4 / 4)
Further enhanced with essential oils, this is currently the top stand-alone cancer-fighting & immune system strengthening product. Formulated by a unique method, Vortexia works directly on cells' energy production & communication within each cell, promoting health within every cell of the body & thereby their increased ability to repair & heal themselves from all disease. Cellular chemistry is significantly improved on a number of levels including molecular, atomic, quantum & vibrational strings level. The vortexing energies also assist greatly in cellular energy production, this enhances the health of already non-cancerous cells while proving fatal for cancerous ones. Cancerous cells are low emitters of energy & this increase in energy production proves to be too much for them to handle & they begin to malfunction & then die a natural death. This natural death means that swelling is not an issue & this product is safe to use on all types of cancer, even end-stage. The increase in health & functioning of healthy cells makes this a top cancer prevention product also.
Quzu (3/ 4 / 4) is an ideal product to use along side Vortexia, as they work synergistically together & when Creation Elixir is added on, the energetic power of Vortexia alone is more than doubled. Quzu is a single replacement for the Custom Elixirs previously recommended in this article & encororates all 3 of these Elixirs into one product (see below):
  • Custom Elixir EE - Delivers an energetic message to your brain instructing the mass production of endorphins, on a continuous basis. Endorphins are inextricably linked with the immune system & such an increase in their production greatly enhances the ability of the immune system to fight back against the cancer cells. It is highly recommended to take this product alongside Custom Elixir VPM, as when used together the effectiveness of each is drastically increased.
  • Custom Elixir VPM - Massively increases 'life force energy' within the body by carrying a vibrational frequency into the body which directs the speeding up of the vibrations of cellular energy to a far increased rate, which is needed to be able to improve health when a disease such as cancer is present. This product will result in cellular vibrations being almost 4 times what is needed for health, as this method will cause dramatic improvement in health over disease.
  • Custom Elixir GL - Carries an energetic frequency which tells the body to increase cellular glutathione levels. Glutathione is the master antioxidant & is the body's primary nutrient used in neutralising toxins. Custom Elixir GL actually directs the body to significantly increase cellular glutathione levels, a major breakthrough as getting glutathione into cells is almost impossible by any other method. Take along side Custom Elixir EE & Custom Elixir VPM for fastest results & all round effectiveness against cancer.
The addition of Creation Elixir (3 / 4 / 4) to the above two products forms a top combo. in cancer-fighting, immune system strengthening & cellular regeneration. Creation Elixir interrupts the reciprocating pattern of disease & it's energies bring about cellular regeneration. Also, the anti-inflammatory effect means that it is safe to use on cancers where swelling must be avoided.
  • PrugX (3 / 4 / 6)
This product works in a similar way to BLA, only the difference is that it is hydrogen peroxide which builds up inside the cancer cells & then kills them. Cancer cells are specifically targeted as they give out an amount of hydrogen peroxide, the energies in PrugX focus in on this & instruct these cells not to release it. Thereby the cell is overloaded with a fatal amount of hydrogen peroxide which destroys it.
  • BLA (3 / 4 / 6)
A top product providing an innovative, yet very effective method to tackling cancer cells which results in them dying a natural death. Contains Earth & Hexagonal Energies instilled in water. Acidic pH levels are ideal for the survival & spreading of cancer cells & cancer cells produce energy through fermentation & the break down of sugar which results in high levels of lactic acid being released into the body, affecting the cells around them. The frequencies instilled in BLA instruct cells which are pumping out high levels of lactic acid to stop this process, meaning that the lactic acid is now contained within the cell which ultimately kills the cell off due to an overload of the lactic acid.
  • MC² (2 / 2 / 3)
Severe cellular dehydration is a common symptom in cancer sufferers. The micro-structured, geometry guided energies of MC² aim to micro cluster water in the body, hydrating cells & enabling nutrients to be better transported into cells, as well as toxins out. Hence MC stands for Micro Clustered. In addition to this it is the low hertz reading of MC² which gives it further cancer killing ability. Testing showed it to have a hertz reading of just 46, low enough to distrupt all cancer cells & pathogens causing them to die a natural death.

PrugX, BLA & MC² form the next best combo. as these also work coactively together, found in the combo's section on the manufacturers website for a discount in purchasing all three.

All the products detailed above are patented & can only be purchased direct from the manufacturer. To source these products use the search facility on the, manufacturers website.

Following my extensive research & experience in the trial of various products for treating cancer, I now wish to share some of the very best ones I have come across with those attempting to beat cancer themselves, or wishing to help a loved one.

Follow me on FaceBook for regular tips & updates on natural methods to beat cancer successfully. 

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